Smile Test Drive in Alderley

Test drive your new smile.

If you're unsure about investing in a Smile Makeover, then our Smile Test Drive lets you "try before you buy".

We understand that a Smile Makeover is a big investment. That’s why we want to make sure that you are 100% happy in the end result before you commit to undertaking any treatment.

That’s why we offer a Smile Test Drive.

Smile Test Drive

Following your initial free Smile Makeover consultation with Alderley Dental principal dentist Dr Robert Zhang, the next step is to try out your new smile.

Based on the photos, videos and scans taken at your initial appointment, a 3D-printed model will be made. Before making any physical changes to your mouth, you get to try on a 3D mock-up of your new smile.

This Smile Test Drive lets you see, feel and experience the full impact of a smile makeover before treatment even begins!

  1. At your initial consultation, we take photos, videos and scans to help us design your new smile.
  2. Using cutting-edge technology, your new smile will then be digitally designed based on your individual facial proportions, which means the result is as individual and as natural as you are.
  3. You then get to try on a 3D mock-up of your smile, you can adjust the design and take it home to get the opinions of those who know you best.
  4. We then finalise a treatment plan based on your feedback that delivers the exact result that you desire, and fits within your budget.

The first Smile Makeover consultation is FREE. The Smile Test Drive appointment requires a small fee to cover the costs of a third-party laboratory to create the 3D mock-up of your smile.

Prices for a Smile Makeover vary depending on what kind of treatment involved and the result you want to achieve. We have wide range of treatment options to suit every budget, and are always transparent about our pricing.

We also offer flexible payment options to make paying for your Smile Makeover simple and stress-free, including interest-free payment plans via DentiCare and early release of superannuation via AccessMySuper.

See what a smile makeover can do
